About Ameo

Welcome to Ameo real estate agents

Welcome to Ameo real estate agents. Our team of estate agents is characterized by its typical Amsterdam no-nonsense and down to earth approach.  Ameo has been involved in the ins and outs of the Amsterdam real estate market for 24 years. Our expertise stretches far, with specialisations in sale, purchase and valuation of both residential and commercial real estate.

At Ameo, the customer comes first and we strive to achieve the best result. Whether you are looking for a home or need professional advice on the sale of your residential or commercial property, we are here to realise your real estate dreams with a personal touch and an unmistakable Amsterdam flair.

Working with Ameo

Ambitious but realistic
Fast but never rushed

With that typical Amsterdam mentality, Ameo has been working on the real estate market in and around the capital for over 2 decades. And that is appreciated. Ameo scores on funda an average of 9.4.

We believe in the power of cooperation. So at Ameo, we take all the time we need to hear what your wishes are. That's why you can contact us any time of the day with all your questions. Whether you want to buy or sell, or need an appraisal or real estate advice. 

We work with an enthusiastic and professional team of estate agents and support staff. Personal contact is important to us. So is a down-to-earth approach. We take the time to work with you for the best result.

Because we have been working in and around Amsterdam for so long, we have valuable knowledge of the local market and a wide network that we can tap into. Our trump card? That is our enormous love for the profession. We always feel like going for the best result. For you and with you.

Ameo is consciously sustainable

We are aware of the environmental footprint of our work. After all, much of our work takes place outside our office.

Ameo has long been committed to making these trips as responsible as possible. For shorter distances, we often take a bicycle (electric or otherwise). For longer distances, we use an electric car in most cases. Our 'fleet' consists of eight cars, seven of which are fully electric.

Our team

Thijs Waals RM RT

Real estate agent/appraiser, partner

Mark van Berkum RM RT

Leasehold expert, Appraiser B.O.G. Estate agent Residential / B.O.G., Partner

Leen Cornelisse RM RT LRGD

Residential real estate agent/appraiser - B.O.G., Judicial expert, Leasehold expert, Partner

Rob van Trappen RM RT

Leasehold expert, Appraiser B.O.G. Estate agent Residential / B.O.G., Partner

Frank Hurkens RM RT

MVA certified expat estate agent, Real estate agent / Appraiser

Bram Meesters RM RT

Real estate agent/appraiser

Hein Hermans

Candidate Real Estate Agent/appraiser i.o.

Marjan Wuthrich

Candidate real estate agent

Samantha van Kuijeren-Bos

Leasehold expert

Jolanda Vink-Woud

Office manager

Elisa Colon

Office manager

Marinus Dees


Danilo Cornelisse

Legal assistant leasehold

Tamara Vogelzang ARMT

sales representative

Imada de Ru

Office manager

Astrid Koomen

Medewerker binnendienst

Ilona Oud RM

Residential real estate agent (freelance), MVA certified expat broker

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